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The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call,The body of the response will be JSON in the following format:

"error_code": "INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUND"
"message": "instrument not exists"

List of Error Messages

Error CodeDescription
INVALID_TOKENInvalid token
UNSUPPORTED_SUB_TYPEUnsupported subscription type
TOO_MANY_SYMBOLSToo many symbols in a single call
TOO_MANY_SUBSCRIPTIONToo many quotes pushes
UNAUTHORIZED_SUB_TYPEUnauthorized subscription type
UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSIONUnsupported api version
UNSUPPORTED_TIMESPANUnsupported candlestick type
ORDER_STOP_PRICE_MUST_GRATER_TRADE_PRICEThe stop-loss price of the stop-loss order must be greater than the current latest market price
ORDER_STOP_PRICE_MUST_LESS_TRADE_PRICESell ​​stop price must be less than the current latest market price
ORDER_LMT_PRICE_MUST_GRATER_STOP_PRICEThe limit price of a buy stop order must be greater than the stop price
ORDER_LMT_PRICE_MUST_LESS_STOP_PRICEThe limit price for a sell stop order must be less than the stop price
ORDER_PRICE_ILLEGALThe price does not comply with the spread rules for the underlying
UNSUPPORTED_ORDER_TYPEThe current order type is not supported
TICKER_ID_CAN_NOT_TRADEThe stock is not in the tradable table
NOT_SUPPORT_EXTEND_HOURPre-market and after-hours trading is not supported
TRADE_ORDER_TICKER_UNLISTED_CANNOT_TRADEThe ticker is not listed and cannot be traded
ORDER_TICKER_NOT_FOUNDThe target does not support transactions
ORDER_TICKER_CAN_NOT_TRADEThe target does not support transactions
ORDER_NOT_FOUNDThe order does not exist
ORDER_CANNOT_GET_LOCKUnable to acquire current lock
ORDER_PRICE_OUT_OF_RANGEThe price exceeds the set gear range
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_AUO_ALOOnly at-auction and at-auction limit orders are accepted
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_ELO_MCThe current period only supports order modification and cancellation of enhanced limit orders
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_AUO_ALO_MCIn the current period, only limit orders and auction limit orders can be changed or cancelled.
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_AUO_ALO_NOT_MCOnly at-auction/at-auction limit orders are accepted, no change or cancellation
ORDER_NOT_ACCEPT_ALLNo action accepted
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_ELOOnly enhanced limit orders are accepted
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_ALO_ELO_MCOnly accept at-auction limit order, and order changes or cancellation of enhanced limit orders.
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_AUO_ELOOnly at-auction and enhanced Limit Orders are accepted
ORDER_NOT_ACCEPT_DUE_TO_TRADE_DAY_NOT_ENDNo operation is accepted because there is no end-of-day clearing on the current trading day
ORDER_STATUS_CANNOT_OPERATEOrder status does not allow operation
ORDER_PENDING_MODIFYOrder being revised
ORDER_HAS_UNFINISH_TASKOperation is not allowed when there are unfinished asynchronous tasks.
ORDER_NO_CHNAGE_CANNOT_MODIFYThe order has not changed so it cannot be modified.
ORDER_ONLY_QUANTITY_ADD_CANNOT_MODIFYChange of order is not allowed to only increase the order quantity.
ORDER_ENTRUST_QTY_LT_FILL_QTYThe order quantity cannot be less than or equal to the executed quantity.
ORDER_FINAL_FILLED_CANNOT_CANCELAll orders are all filled and cannot be cancelled.
ORDER_QTY_OR_PRICE_ILLEGALThe order quantity or price is inappropriate.
ORDER_PRICE_MUST_BE_ZERO_BY_AUOThe price of auction order must be 0
ORDER_FINAL_FILLED_CANNOT_MODIFYAll orders are filled and cannot be modified
ORDER_ENTRUST_QTY_CANNOT_LT_FILL_QTYThe order quantity cannot be less than or equal to the executed quantity
ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLEDThe order has been cancelled and cannot be operated
ORDER_QTY_ILLEGALThe order quantity is inappropriate since it should be an integer multiple of the buy/sell unit
ORDER_QTY_EXCEED_CAN_BUY_QTYThe order quantity exceeds the maximum quantity that can be purchased
ORDER_QTY_EXCEED_CAN_SELL_QTYThe order quantity exceeds the maximum quantity that can be sold
ORDER_BUYING_POWER_NOT_ENOUGHInsufficient buying power
ORDER_MSG_FILLED_PRICE_OR_AMOUNT_IS_NULLThe transaction price or quantity of the transaction order is empty
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_LIMITOnly accept limit orders
ORDER_PRICIE_EXCEED_UP_LIMITThe order price quantity exceeds the price limit
ORDER_PRICIE_EXCEED_DOWN_LIMITOrder price quantity exceeds price floor
ORDER_QTY_EXCEED_MILLIONThe number of orders in a single China Connect market cannot exceed 1,000,000
ORDER_ODD_LOT_POSITION_NO_MATCHFractional shares: the current position is not a fractional share, and does not support such a trading
ORDER_ODD_LOT_ASHARE_OPEN_UNSUPPORTFractional shares: A shares do not support fractional shares trading
ORDER_ODD_LOT_ASHARE_MUST_CLOSE_ALLFractional shares: All positions must be closed for A-share positions.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_BUY_QUANTITY_INVALIDFractional shares: The total quantity of buy orders and current position must be equal to one lot.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_SELL_QUANTITY_INVALIDFractional shares: the sell quantity must be less than or equal to the current position of fractional shares.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_EXIST_SELLFractional shares: do not support reverse order since there is a sell order.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_EXIST_BUYFractional shares: do not support reverse order since there is a buy order.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_CANNOT_CREATEFractional shares: fractional shares cannot be placed in the current session.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_CANNOT_MODIFYFractional shares: fractional shares cannot be changed in the current session.
ORDER_ODD_LOT_CANNOT_CANCELFractional shares: fractional shares cannot be canceled in the current session.
ORDER_ODD_ENTRUST_PRICE_DIVERGE_MOREFractional shares: The order price deviates significantly from the market price.
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_MKT_LMTOnly accept market and limit orders
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_LMTOnly accept limit orders
ORDER_MKT_PRICE_TOO_LOWU.S. stocks below $3 are prohibited from placing orders before and after the market hours.
ORDER_QTY_EXCEED_US_LIMITThe number of single orders in the US stock market cannot exceed 100,000 shares
ORDER_AMOUNT_EXCEED_US_LIMITThe amount of a single order in the US stock market cannot exceed 3,000,000
ORDER_MKT_PRICE_QTY_STEP_1000The latest price of the market order is 0.01~0.099, and the quantity must not be less than 1000
ORDER_MKT_PRICE_QTY_STEP_100The latest price of the market order is 0.1~0.999, and the quantity must not be less than 100
ORDER_MKT_PRICE_QTY_STEP_1The latest price of the market order is greater than 1, and the quantity must not be less than 1
ORDER_LMT_PRICE_QTY_STEP_1000The latest price of the limit order is 0.01~0.099, and the quantity must not be less than 1000
ORDER_LMT_PRICE_QTY_STEP_100The latest price of the limit order is 0.1~0.999, and the quantity must not be less than 100
ORDER_LMT_PRICE_QTY_STEP_1The latest price of the limit order is greater than 1, and the quantity must not be less than 1
ORDER_MKT_LMT_PRICE_TOO_LOWThe commission price of US stock limit orders and the market price of market orders cannot be lower than 0.01
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_LMT_STP_STPLMT_STPTRAILOnly accept limit orders, stop orders, stop limit orders, trailing stop orders during the current period
ORDER_ONLY_ACCEPT_MKT_LMT_STP_STPLMT_STPTRAILOnly accept market orders, limit orders, stop orders, stop limit orders, trailing stop orders during the current period
ORDER_TYPE_UNSUPPORT_OUTSIDE_RTHThe current order type does not support pre-market and post-market (ORDER_BA_TRADE_FLAG_ONLY_LIMIT)
ORDER_MUST_SUPPORT_OUTSIDE_RTH_IN_AFTER_MARKETTo place an order during after-hours trading, you must choose to support before-hours and after-hours (AFTER_MARKET_LIMIT_ORDER_BA_TRADE_FLAG)
ORDER_SUPPORT_OUTSIDE_RTH_ONLY_USPre-market and after-hours trading orders only support the US stock market (ORDER_BA_TRADE_FLAG_ONLY_US)
AFTER_MARKET_LIMIT_ORDER_BA_TRADE_FLAGFor limit orders placed in after-hours trading hours, you must select pre-market and after-hours trading
ORDER_LIQUIDATE_CANT_MODIFYBO forced liquidation orders are not allowed to be modified
ORDER_LIQUIDATE_CANT_CANCEL_BY_USERBO forced liquidation orders do not allow users to cancel
ORDER_CANCEL_FILLED_FAILEPart of order cancellation failed
ORDER_HANDLER_ONLY_ACCEPT_USThe current processor only supports US stock market orders
ORDER_ID_IS_NULLOrder id is empty
ORDER_CANNOT_OPERATEThe current order status is not actionable
ORDER_TYPE_ILLEGALInvalid order type
ORDER_TIF_ILLEGALNo corresponding order validity period
ORDER_AMT_ILLEGALInvalid order amount
ORDER_QTY_EXCEED_LIMITThe order quantity exceeds the limit
ORDER_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMITThe order amount exceeds the limit
ORDER_RTH_FLAG_ONLY_LIMITOnly the limit order type is supported before and after the market
ORDER_BA_TRADE_FLAG_ONLY_LIMITYou can only select limit orders during pre-market and post-market hours
TRAILING_PRICE_MUST_LESS_THAN_MARKET_PRICEThe tracking amount needs to be lower than the market price
STOP_SHOULD_LT_LIMIT_FOR_LMT_BUYA stop-limit order, for a buy order, the stop price should be less than the limit price
STOP_SHOULD_GT_TRADE_FOR_LMT_BUYFor buy orders, the stop price must be higher than the market price
STOP_SHOULD_LT_TRADE_FOR_LMT_SELLWhen selling, the stop price must be less than the current latest price
STOP_SHOULD_GT_CLOSE_FOR_LMT_BUY_IN_PRE_TIMEPre-market buy stop-loss order, the stop-loss price needs to be higher than yesterday's closing price
STOP_SHOULD_LT_CLOSE_FOR_LMT_SELL_IN_PRE_TIMESell ​​stop order before the market, the stop price needs to be lower than yesterday's closing price
STOP_SHOULD_GT_TRADE_FOR_LMT_BUY_IN_CORE_TIMEIntraday buy stop-loss order, the stop-loss price needs to be higher than the latest price
STOP_SHOULD_LT_TRADE_FOR_LMT_SELL_IN_CORE_TIMEIntraday sell stop-loss order, the stop-loss price needs to be lower than the latest price
STOP_SHOULD_GT_CLOSE_FOR_LMT_BUY_IN_POST_TIMEAfter-hours buy stop-loss order, the stop-loss price needs to be higher than the closing price
STOP_SHOULD_LT_CLOSE_FOR_LMT_SELL_IN_POST_TIMEAfter-hours sell stop-loss order, the stop-loss price needs to be lower than the closing price
SELL_QTY_EXCEED_AVAILABLE_QTYThe number of closed positions sold exceeds the number of closed positions
CASH_ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOW_SELL_SHORTCash accounts do not allow short selling
SELL_NOT_ALLOW_SHORT_SELLINGPlease use the short sell button to sell short
LONG_POSITION_SHOULD_CLOSE_BEFORE_SELL_SHORTSince you currently have a long position in the stock, please close the position before proceeding with short selling
BUY_NOT_ALLOW_FOR_HAVING_SHORT_OPEN_ORDERThere is a short pending order for your current target, and reverse transactions are not allowed
SHORT_NOT_ALLOW_FOR_HAVING_BUY_OPEN_ORDERThere is a pending buy order for your current target, and reverse transactions are not allowed
FRACTION_ONLY_ALLOW_IN_CORE_TIMEOdd lot trading is not supported in the current session
FRACTION_ONLY_ALLOW_MARKETOdd lot trading only supports market orders
FRACTION_NOT_SUPPORT_SELL_SHORTOdd lot trading does not support short sell orders
FRACTION_CANNOT_MODIFYOdd lot orders do not support modification
FRACTION_CANNOT_CANCELOdd lot orders do not support cancellation
FRACTION_AMOUNT_TOO_SMALLOdd lot order amount is too small
FRACTION_QUANTITY_DECI_LENGTH_ILLEGALOdd lot order stock count precision is illegal
FRACTION_AMOUNT_DECI_LENGTH_ILLEGALOdd lot order amount precision is illegal
FRACTION_CANNOT_CLOSE_SHORT_POSITIONOdd lot trading does not support closing short positions
NON_FRACTION_CANNOT_MODIFY_TO_FRACTIONOrdinary orders cannot be modified into odd lot orders
FRACTION_SELL_NOT_SUPPORT_AMOUNTSell ​​order cannot be placed by amount
FRACTION_NOT_SUPPORT_QUANTITYOrder by share is not supported
FRACTION_NOT_SUPPORT_AMOUNTOrder by amount is not supported
CHANNEL_REJECTChannel rejection
REPEAT_REQUESTRepeat request
INNER_SYSTEM_ERRORInternal System Error
TICKER_ID_IS_NULLTarget ID is empty
TICKER_NOT_FOUNDNo matching target
TICKER_IS_DENYThe current target is prohibited from trading
TICKER_ONLY_CLOSEThe current target only supports closing positions
TICKER_CANNOT_OPEN_BY_FRACTIONThe current underlying does not support opening positions through odd lot trading
TICKER_NOT_SUPPORT_SHORTThe target does not support short selling
TICKER_NOT_SUPPORT_FRACTIONThe current underlying does not support odd lot trading
QUOTE_NOT_FOUNDNo market data
NO_TRADING_DAYNon-trading day
NO_TRADING_TIMENon-trading hours
FIX_ROUTE_ERRORRouting error
HS_US_REJECTEDHang Seng rejects US stock orders
BANK_INFO_NOT_FUNDBank information does not exist
BANK_CARD_CAN_NOT_FUNDBank card information does not exist
BANK_ID_CAN_NOT_BE_NULLBank ID cannot be empty
BANK_ACCOUNT_REPEATBank card account number is duplicated
BANK_SERIA_NO_CAN_NOT_BE_REPEATEDBank flow cannot be repeated
BROKER_BANK_ACCOUNT_CAN_NOT_NULLSystem bank account cannot be empty
CARD_FOR_OPEN_HAS_BEEN_BOUNDA bank card for opening an account and depositing money has been bound
NO_MORE_THAN_FIVE_BANK_CARDS_ARE_ALLOWED_TO_BE_BOUNDA user can bind up to five bank cards
CARD_FOR_OPENING_ACCOUNT_CAN_NOT_BEEN_UNBINDThe bank card used for opening an account and depositing funds is not allowed to be unbound
FUND_TRANSFER_AMOUNT_CAN_NOT_BE_NULLThe application amount cannot be empty
FUND_TRANSFER_VOUCHER_CAN_NOT_BE_NULLThe transfer voucher cannot be empty
FUND_TRANSFER_APPLY_NOT_FUNDThe application does not exist
FUND_TRANSFER_APPLY_LOG_NOT_FUNDThe application operation log does not exist
FUND_TRANSFER_OPERATE_TOO_FREQUENTThere are concurrent operations in deposit and withdrawal applications
CURRENT_APPLY_STATUS_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_THIS_OPERATIONThe current state does not allow this operation
ACCOUNT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT_THIS_OPERATIONYour account is being closed and this operation cannot be performed.
FUND_TRANSFER_APPLY_OPERATION_FAILEDThe deposit or withdrawal failed.
AVAILABLE_BALANCE_QUERY_FAILEDThe query for withdrawable balance failed.
AVAILABLE_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHInsufficient balance available for withdrawal
ACCOUNT_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHThe current {HKD} account balance is insufficient.
ACTUAL_AMOUNT_CANT_GREATER_THAN_APPLY_AMOUNTThe actual amount cannot be greater than the application amount.
CORRECT_FEE_CANT_GREATER_THAN_WITHDRAW_FEEThe amount of the reversal fee cannot be greater than the withdrawal fee.
WITHDRAW_FEE_EXCEED_APPLY_AMOUNTThe withdrawal fee is greater than the withdrawal amount.
ACTUAL_AMOUNT_IS_ILLEGALThe actual amount is abnormal.
FEE_AMOUNT_IS_ILLEGALUnusual fee amount
UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY_TYPEUnsupported currency type
UNKNOWN_FEE_TYPEUnsupported withdrawal fee deduction methods
WITHDRAW_FEE_EXISTEDDo not add withdrawal fees repeatedly.
FUND_UNFROZEN_FAILEDHang Seng funds unfreezing is abnormal.
FUND_FROZEN_FEE_FAILEDHang Seng funds unfreezing is abnormal.
FUND_FROZEN_RECORD_NOT_EXISTFreeze record does not exist.
FUND_ADJUST_FROZEN_RECORD_FAILEDAdjust the abnormality of frozen funds
EXCHANGE_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHInsufficient convertible balance
EXCHANGE_HAS_PENDINGThere are currently processing redemption requests.
EXCHANGE_RATE_NOT_EQUALExchange rate mismatch
EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_NOT_EQUALTarget currency amount does not match.
EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GET_LOCKCurrency exchange lock acquisition failed.
FUND_EXCHANGE_FAILEDCurrency exchange failed.
EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_OUT_RANGEA single exchange amount exceeds the limit, the limit amount{}, the actual exchange amount{}.
EXCHANGE_COMPANY_AMOUNT_OUT_RANGEThe company account balance exceeds the upper and lower limits.
EXCHANGE_TIME_OUT_RANGEExchange is not allowed at the current time.
EXCHANGE_IN_DAY_ENDExchange is not allowed during clearing time.
EXCHANGE_TIMES_OUT_RANGEThe number of exchanges in a single day exceeds the limit.
BANK_CARD_ACCOUNT_REPEATThe user's bank card account has been bound.
FUND_CONTAINS_INVALID_RECORDExport records contain illegal records.
FUND_CONTAINS_DIF_CURRENCYExport records contain different currencies.
FUND_WITHDRAW_EXPORT_EXCEED_UPLIMITThe export quantity of the withdrawal record exceeds the upper limit.
FUND_WITHDRAW_EXPORT_FAILEDWithdrawal record export failed.
BANK_TRANSFER_NO_EXISTAccount record does not exist.
BANK_TRANSFER_NO_WAIT_MATCHAccount matching, and there is no record to be matched.
BANK_TRANSFER_FUND_NO_WAIT_MATCHAccount matching, and there is no deposit record to be matched.
BANK_TRANSFER_FUND_NAME_NOT_MATCHConfirm the receipt, the selected receipt record does not match the name of the actual deposit receipt record
FUND_WITHDRAW_RULE_ALREADY_EXISTThe current withdrawal rules already exist
FUND_WITHDRAW_BOC_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGHInsufficient balance of BOC withdrawable funds
FUND_TIME_INTERVAL_LIMITDeposit and withdrawal time interval restrictions
THE_REQUIRED_PARAM_IS_NULLRequired parameter is empty
THE_PARAM_IS_INVALIDInvalid parametric value
ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTAccount does not exist
ACCOUNT_CONVERTINGAccount is being upgraded, this operation is not allowed
ACCOUNT_STATUS_NOT_NORMALYour account status is not healthy and cannot perform this action
ACCOUNT_IN_MIGRATE_LIST_NOT_ALLOWIn the whitelist of data migration, currency exchange, withdrawal approval, and BO payment platform payment are not allowed.
ACCOUNT_US_UNOPENDAccount U.S. stock market permissions have not been activated
ACCOUNT_IS_DENYThe current account is prohibited from trading
ACCOUNT_ONLY_CLOSEThe current account only supports closing positions
ACCOUNT_NOT_SUPPORT_SHORTAccount does not support short selling
ACCOUNT_NOT_SUPPORT_FRACTIONOdd lot trading is not allowed in the current account
TRADE_POSITION_QUANTITY_LIMITThe number of open positions exceeds the limit (500)
TRADE_OPEN_ORDER_QUANTITY_LIMITThe number of pending orders exceeds the limit (500)
OPEN_API_TRADE_NOT_SUPPORT_US_TRADEUS stock trading is not supported
TRADE_ORDER_NOT_SUPPORT_OPEN_API_MAINLAND_TRADE_ASHAREA-shares trading is not supported for mainland customers
ORDER_EXIST_MATCHED_BUYThere are unfilled buy orders
ORDER_EXIST_MATCHED_SELLThere are unfilled sell orders
TRADE_ORDER_FILLEDOrder has been filled
CN_GROUP_PERMISSION_NOT_OPENNot authorized to trade in A-Share market
HK_GROUP_PERMISSION_NOT_OPENNot authorized to trade in HK Stock market
STOCK_ELO_EXIST_BUY_SELL_ORDER_BUY_PRICEThe order price entered is significantly deviated from the rule set by HKEX, please re-enter.
TRADE_PERMISSION_RPQ_EXPIREDYour current account risk assessment results have expired or do not meet the requirements, so the account has been restricted from opening new position
ORDER_MKT_ONLY_ALLOW_IN_CORE_TIMEMarket order can only be placed during normal trade hours
ORDER_MODIFY_TO_MKT_ONLY_ALLOW_IN_CORE_TIMECan only be changed to a market order during normal trade hours
ORDER_NO_CHANGE_CANNOT_MODIFYNo modifications are identified. The order is the same as the original order.
ORDER_QTY_MUST_LOTInvalid Order Volume
ORDER_SHOULD_INCLUDE_EXTENDED_HOURS_IN_POST_TIMEOrder rejected, please select "Include Extended Hours"
GTC_NOT_SUPPORTDo not support GTC trading for HK security currently
GTC_NOT_SUPPORT_MKTDo not support GTC for market order
STOP_SHOULD_GT_LIMIT_FOR_LMT_SELLThe Stop Order price should be greater than the Limit Order price for Sell of the Stop Limit Order